Nyole Pictures

On this page is where you are going to find a number of Banyole photographs. It will avail you opportunity to evisage what Lunyole speakers do, their resemblerence, what the children and elders to together, plus many others.

In the above photo, the one in the black court with grey hair is the chair man Lunyola language association. In pose aare the sunday school teachers trained  by the Lunyole literacy and scripture engagement staff at Mugulu offices.

THis one also is one of the pictures taken at a sunday school teacher training certificate awording. The one in a red shirt with atie is the pentecostal bishop of Bunyole: Pastor Zebulon Mujjere.

This is one of jesus pictures. We can see how God's grace comes flowing by his grace.

Most Banyole are rice farmers. From this they get money to Educate their children and also supply for family needs.


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